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Brain Health Resources VI—Top Brain Health Experts and the Best Podcasts for Learning From Them!

One of the most gratifying aspects to my health journey has been finding so much quality information online. Yes, it all has to be taken with an attitude of healthy skepticism, and yes Google Scholar is often a much better source than regular Google.

But I have found a number of leading experts, doctors and researchers, who are bringing the latest health breakthroughs to light.

As I’ve said before (link to video) we each have to choose which experiments to engage in, and one person’s "emerging science" maybe someone else’s "pseudo-science", but these leaders (in no particular order) are among those I am turning to as I look to be better informed on what is to come.

For this post, I focus on Podcasts, which offer a great way to hear directly from researchers. But these hosts have as much good information to offer as their guests (and as you will see below are often guests on one another episodes).

Podcast: The Drive

Host Dr. Peter Attia

Selected Episodes:

Matthew Walker, Ph.D., on sleep – Part I of III: Dangers of poor sleep, Alzheimer's risk, mental health, memory consolidation, and more

Richard Isaacson, M.D.: Alzheimer’s prevention

Navdeep Chandel, Ph.D.: metabolism, mitochondria, and metformin in health and disease

Podcast: Bulletproof Radio

Host: Dave Asprey

Selected Episodes:

Sleep Need & Sleep Age: Find Out Yours – Dan Gartenberg

Eating Affects Your Sleep (and vice versa) - Satchin Panda

Hack To Track: The Oura Ring Episode - Harpreet Rai

Your Brain, But Better: Neurostimulation - Dr. Daniel Chao

Age Backwards by Hacking Your Telomeres with Stress - Dr. Elissa Epel

Podcast: The Tim Ferris Show

Host: Tim Ferris

Selected Episodes:

How to Reverse Aging with Art De Vany

Exploring Smart Drugs, Fasting, and Fat Loss — Dr. Rhonda Patrick

Podcast: Found My Fitness

Host: Rhonda Patrick

Selected Episodes:

Dr. Dale Bredesen on Preventing and Reversing Alzheimer's Disease

Satchin Panda, Ph.D. on Time-Restricted Feeding and Its Effects on Obesity, Muscle Mass & Heart Health

Dr. Valter Longo on Resetting Autoimmunity and Rejuvenating Systems with Prolonged Fasting & the FMD

The Sonnenburgs On How The Gut Microbiota Interacts With Our Bodies

Podcast: The Kevin Rose Show

Host: Kevin Rose

Selected Episodes:

How to live to 100, Dr. Valter Longo

Dr. Andrew Weil - healing herbs, healthy oils, mushrooms, omega-3's, and other health tips

Matthew Walker Ph.D - Author of "Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams"

Podcast: Smart Drug Smarts

Host: Jesse Lawler

(currently on sabbatical, but lots of great content in past episodes)

Selected Episodes:

The MIND Diet with Dr. Martha Morris

Optimizing Epigenetics with Dr. Daniel Stickler

Sleep, Light, and Your Brain

The “Gut-Brain Axis” with Scott Anderson

Podcast: Clear & Vivid Host: Alan Alda

Alan's focus, which grows out of the Alda Institute, is on how science gets communicated, including in medical settings. As a Parkinson’s patient himself, his episode with Michael J. Fox is especially powerful: Michael J. Fox: How to Keep Going When Life Gives You Speed Bumps

Podcast: The AfterOn Podcast

Host: Rob Reid Website:

Selected Episodes:

The Medical Potential of Video Games | Adam Gazzaley

Exponential Medicine | Daniel Kraft

Others which may be worth exploring include:

Disclaimer: I offer all of these suggestions not as a Doctor or Researcher, but as a Patient, and a “Citizen Scientist”. None of this should be taken as medical advice, and certainly you should consult your Doctor when it comes to making decisions about your health.

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